Last Day On Earth Survival (1.6.2) - REVENTIME


Monday, 2 October 2017

Last Day On Earth Survival (1.6.2)

Your first few days out there in the wastes can be rough, so I've put together a little guide to help fellow survivors orient themselves in this new, treacherous world! But REMEMBER! This game is still in early BETA, so some things may change over time. Still, this will give you a basic leg-up to get you started.
"…if I’ve lived this long it’s because I’ve always feared the worst and been ready for it." -Flashman
LDE:S (Last Day on Earth: Survival) is a zombie survival game along the lines of DayZ or H1z1 (or 7 Days, Ark, etc.). Your goal is to survive in a hostile environment, building up your base and resources and fending off invaders both alive and dead.

You'll spawn on a plot of land that will serve as your home base. Initially it will have a selection of basic resources - stone, wood, berries, a little iron deposits, and a few zombies/wolves/deer. You'll notice your food/water are already dropping pretty quickly, but don't worry about that for now. Your first goal is to get a basic shelter set up and get prepped for exploration.
(NOTE) - To kill a deer, crouch/sneak up behind it with a melee weapon (recommended using a spear) for a one-hit kill)
First, grab some wood and stone from the ground and make a hatchet. If you get accosted by a zombie or wolf, don't panic. You can easily kill anything you come across on this map so just swing away. If you take too much damage, scrounge up some berries - they will be your primary source of healing for the near future.
You'll find an abandoned car that has some scrap/loot inside of it. You can use it as a storage container if you start to get overloaded, as of right now you don't have to worry about another player coming along to loot you.
"‘To build the house, trees must fall,’ says Kutebar complacently. I agreed with him entirely, mind you."
You might be tempted to build an enormous space to start, but keep it simple for now. Leave yourself enough room for one or two crates and a stove.  If you didn't already notice, check out your shop inventory - each day you'll be given 3 bottles of water and 3 cans of beans.
Eventually you'll have burned through all your local berries and deer meat and start to starve/dehydrate. When you see the warning box above your head, drop anything of value in your storage and head out to the wilderness.
You have a few options on the world map right out of the gate. You can hit up your first military bunker (Alfa/Alpha), but if you're dying of thirst you might want to wait a bit. Head to a green (easy) forest with an hatchet (or make one when you get there). Stock up on berries to keep you going/heal from zombie fights as you harvest.
Focus on getting the materials to build your rain collectors and gardens in addition to basic protection/defenses.
Don't panic if you see a zombie. A torch/axe/crowbar/etc. will be fine against standard Roamers and Wolves, even Fast Biters (though they'll do a bit more damage). You might run into a Floater Bloaterthough, in which case you're gonna want to run (but that's rare in a green). Look for loot crates, stock up on wood, and head home when your inventory is full.
"Any soldier will tell you that, in the heat of a fight, sights and sounds imprint themselves on your memory and stay vivid for fifty years . . . but you lose all sense of time."
ALL PLAYERS YOU SEE IN GAME ARE COMPUTER CONTROLLED AI! So they'll charge you - and if they're naked with a spear, no problem, but if you're in the middle of a fight or at 10 health and a guy with a nail board comes running at you it's time to bolt.
If you're out scavenging, pay attention to the game loading/jittering, it can sometimes signal an incoming "player". If you're low on health at any point and you plan on staying, eat any meat/berries you have, don't wait - you won't have a chance mid-fight if you get caught unaware.

Hopefully you've found some rope on zombies by now and can make yourself a backpack, which will make your life significantly easier. If your food/water situation is stable you can make your next trip to Alfa Base, if not, keep running Easy level forests/quarries and build up your base. Get your garden beds up and running ASAP so you can get your carrot stream going, same with a water trap once you unlock them.
At Alfa Base, you'll find a key card on the corpse of a dead guard out front that will unlock the door. Inside you'll find a bunch of lockers filled with loot, including two guns and a set of military clothes. It might take you two trips to claim it all. There's also a console that needs a code, the code can be acquired from CB Radio which available after you reach level 7.
(NOTE) - DO NOT USE YOUR GUNS! They're tempting, but you truly don't need them for any Easy or Medium zones, and there's no way to repair them once they're broken. Stick to melee, and keep an eye out for machetes and the like. Torches work wonders in a pinch)
Keep salvaging from Easy zones (and Alfa until its empty, locker loot does not respawn) until you've got the basics crafted and set up in your house. Remember, don't build out too much - you'll need to upgrade these floors/walls later to defend against the horde and they're not cheap. Start slipping in to Yellow (medium) zones as you start to gear up.

Loot everything you can. Most of the electronics junk won't be useful to you for a long time, so prioritize what you need as you go. Don't be afraid to delete some unneeded items to make room for something better, but keep in mind what you might need later as you level and unlock for tech.
From here on out you can do as you like. If you need weapons/clothes, keep an eye out for AI-Players while you're scavenging as they're the best source I've found so far. You can't repair anything, so make sure to swap out when you can and destroy anything nearly done for.
Energy replenishes really slow, don't blow them out quickly. if you want to grind for resources like wood, grass fiber, stone or any basic materials, proceed to a close green level area, each travel takes roughly 15 min so waiting isn't really difficult.
Save around 40-50 energy for events or Dealer so you can quickly travel to the region before the timer expires. You can expend it once you are ready to stop for the day.
Supply Drops & Plane Crashes
Plane crashes are rare but filled with valuable loot. 22-24 bags packed with gear and weapons, including a gun at full health and CAC card Romeo. Takes at least two trips to fully loot if possible. No standing enemies but a roamer/wolf spawns every now and then, easy peasy. Since Plane crashes spawn at the worse time possible (no energy), It is also best to travel light (only bring a weapon) so you can loot more stuff.
Airdrops land on a big plot, lots of space to run around and find it. But it usually appears at the center of the map. You can encounter every zombie there now. Including Bloaters and Spitters. 2 Spitters will always appear. Either separately or together (which rarely occurs). It is possible to collect the drops without having to fight anything. The drop itself varies, rarely anything mind blowing, but useful.
You'll find that materials are really difficult to hoard due to small backpack size, and they deplete really fast if you don't farm regularly enough. Farming/grinding for basic material such as log/stone/fiber/etc. will be essential for moving forward.
If you want to farm for a specific material, pine logs for example, don't go to any location harder than a green level, travel to the closest and safest small grove. You'll want to bring some specific equipment: 1 full durability weapon, preferably spear, 1 stack for healing and/or hunger in the quick slot (saves backpack space), 1-2 hatchet (pickaxe if you are farming for rocks and iron).
Make sure that your backpack is empty of other things, so essentially your inventory will only contain 1-2 full durability hammer (or whatever tool). Weapons and food will be equipped and in your quick slot.
Once you are at the site, collect only the specific material you want, you can pick up berries as you go along but consume them as you fight zombies to keep your hitpoint up and also keep your backpack as empty as possible.
If farming XP, start by clearing a zone of all zombies and harvesting up all the fiber and berries/animals. Use the berries and meat to heal as you go. Once you've cleared all of that, destroy any of it you don't want and start on wood/stone. Run to a red zone with no armor or weapons equipped (just in your backpack) to more safely farm zombies there.
Tips (Beta 1.6.2)
Avoid red zones all together if you don't have full armor, guns and a bunch of med kits and food
Clear out zombies and auto farm until there is no resources left, its a easy way to level up.
Use the loot boxes to store items until you are finished farming.
When auto farming make sure you have equipped your best durable weapon and have full hp, just in case a AI player attacks you.
Use the x3 sneak bonus to its full potential , by running back into the green zone (do this if you have a lot of time). This also means your weapon is going to last much longer.
When sneak attacking you will have enough time to switch weapons to do the appropriate damage ( don't use a skull crusher when you have a cleaver on a 40hp zombie)
If you clear out a yellow area, go through the green area on your way home to benefit the most out of your trip ( if you farmed logs, you will normally gather items like hide, meat, fabric, but not in a full stack of 20 thus if you go into the green area you can get double of that items. You will also get xp and maybe nice loot.
Iron and food is super valuable, so protect your furnaces and storage with a wall.
Armor and clothes use a bunch of leather, thick fabric (4 x fiber) and iron but its more efficient than med kits in terms of resources ( so dont be afraid to invest).
When facing a spitter i find it better to be up close since you can dodge the attacks easier.
Most effective weapon in terms of cost, durability and damage in my opinion is the crowbar
Don't bother about the bottom floors of Bunker Alpha until you are probably level 70, its super hard and there is a ton of zombies ( you will need the CB radio to get the pass code).
Other Tips And Tricks (1.6.2)
Even in its unfinished state, there are many features already implemented in the game which can be daunting for a new player. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Tips/Tricks sections below can be a good place to start if you are unsure about anything. Keep in mind that this is a fan published wiki and not directly connected to the developer in any way.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is this game multiplayer?
A: Not yet. You’re currently playing in a single-player version of the map. Enemy "players" that you encounter are AI Survivors as are their bases. As such, no one can actually raid your base at this point. You can't chat with other players or start a clan either.
Q: Where to I find ___/How do I build ___?
A: As this game is in the "beta" stage, many items have not yet been implemented in the game. This includes the ATV, Radio Tower, Oak, and Steel. Visit Unavailable Blueprints for more information.
Q: How do I get to new areas?
A: Currently, you can't. None of the Transportation that unlocks new areas can be completed. While you can begin building the ATV, key components (the ATV Transmission) are not yet able to be found in the game to complete it.
Q: Will there be a wipe/reset before launch?
A: Most likely. The developers have already stated that there will probably be some form of wipe, but are unsure of when and how much information will be reset. They have mentioned that they would like to "save as much data as possible," which could mean things like earned XP is transferred through the wipe.
Q: When will this game come out of "beta/early access"?
A: A timeline for completion has not been released. Updates have been released on a nearly weekly schedule though.
Q: I'm on iOS, Why can't I update to the latest version?
A: The Apple store typically gets game updates 2-3 days after GooglePlay.
Q: How do I change my base layout?
A: Visit the Base Builder page for more information. Keep in mind that you cannot move floors or walls. These can only be deleted and do not offer a scrap value. Furniture, however, can be moved freely and put into inventory without being permanently deleted.
Q: Why is some of the information wrong on the wiki?
A: As with any wiki, some erroneous information can be introduced by an editor. However, since updates have been introduced about weekly to this game (which modifies existing content in addition to adding new content), it could simply be that the information is outdated and it may be fixed soon.
New Players:
You receive 3 Bottle of Water and 3 Baked Beans daily in your Inbox. These can be transferred to your inventory at any location.
You receive a free Machete after you die a few times. This only happens one time.
At the closest green forest, Pine Bushes, there is an AI Survivor that has around 40 HP. If you kill him, he has a chopper wheel and some other cool stuff.
Spend your Craft Points wisely. Not all Recipes can be unlocked at max level. If you reset your Craft Points and learn different Recipes, you keep any previously made items.
Create 2 Garden Beds and a Rain Catcher as soon as possible to make hunger/thirst less of an issue.
Experience points (XP) are gained from harvesting and combat, not crafting.
When you gain a level, your health refills to maximum.
See the Beginner's Guide for more!
To view an item tooltip, tap and hold on the item to make a dialogue box to appear.
The limit on most stackable items in a slot is 20. Coupons can stack 50 per slot.
There is a 'pocket' slot in the inventory screen. An additional weapon, food, or healing item can be stored here for a quick swap/use from your main screen.
Be aware that healing items are automatically consumed from the quick slot button.
To transfer items between inventory screens, in addition to drag and drop, you can also sometimes double click.
You can only view your Hunger/Thirst levels in the Inventory screen, however an icon appears above your head when critically low (<20 Hunger/Thirst).
Unlike weapons, Tools do not need to be equipped for use.
Tools are "consumed" in order of where they are in your inventory, from top-left to bottom-right.
When harvesting a node or attacking, you can tap and hold instead of continually tapping an action button.
To collect only a certain item from a resource zone, split a stack of that item until it fills all empty spaces in your backpack. This causes your character to only collect this item on Auto mode.
Before leaving a resource location, eat/drink excess food. They are lost when you travel away from the area.
You can craft items and edit your inventory at the world map screen. This prevents the chance of enemy attacks and your hunger/thirst from depleting.
Sneaking attack from behind your target deals 3 times your normal damage. You can usually only use this on targets that are not aware of your presence. This only works for melee weapons.
If you attack from the weapons maximum range, you are more likely to be able to get a second hit before a slower moving/shorter ranged enemy can strike.
Opening a box/chest takes you out of Sneak mode.
If you are overwhelmed in a fight, leave the zone completely. You'll be able to access your inventory screen to get prepared and the enemies may reset depending on the zone and type of enemy. AI survivors will generally disappear, but any zombies will remain with any partial damage taken.
Toxic Spitters, Floater Bloaters, and Toxic Bloaters have area of effect (AoE) special attacks that can damage other enemies in addition to yourself. Sometimes you can use this to your advantage.
Be aware of your Cleanliness rating. If you receive a red indicator, enemies can spot you easier and you will be unable to sneak near enemies. The Toxic Spitter's special attack quickly degrades your cleanliness.
You can outrun Roamers, Floater Bloaters, and Frenzied Giants. This can be used to possibly loot an item without killing them.
Now, you can kill TBO with common weapons. But still, better not attack him.
At zones where progress does not reset (e.g. bunker main levels), if you die, you can generally loot the items you were carrying upon your return.
If you believe you may die, it may be best to leave your most valuable items at home.
To reset harvest zones, you can travel to any location and return.
Bunker main areas do not reset.
Temporary instances (e.g. Bunker subfloors, Humanitarian Aid Drop, the Dealer, etc.) reset when the timer ends.
Resource zones reset as soon as you travel away from the location.
Home base:
For extra storage at your home location, items can be left in your Workstations
Most Workstations have a placement limit of two.
To upgrade a wall, the adjacent floor must be at an equivalent level.
Doors cost more materials to upgrade than walls.
You may not have to build walls or traps currently, since multiplayer has not yet been implemented and there is no way for your base to be looted. Additionally, the zombie horde can generally destroy lower level walls.
The Doormat placement sets your spawn location when you enter your Home. You can place it inside to spawn in the safety of your
Building vehicles and some other items have two phases not apparent from the blueprint list. If you pick up a vehicle part, but are unsure of its use, it may be best to hold on to it for the second phase of assembly. Some of these parts are extremely rare.
An efficient way to reset HungerThirstPee, and Cleanliness levels, is to die at your Home. Your items will be easily retrievable from your corpse.

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